Contact information


Address: 613, block a, Xuhui Airport Center, Shunyi District, Beijing

Contact: Mr. Li

Tel: 010-61455527

Mobile: 13691511384


Postal Code: 101300

 MODERN BRILLIANCE ICE SNOW - is committed to serving the development of indoor ice and snow. Based on years of experience in the ice and snow industry, to provide customers with indoor ski resorts, ice and snow parks, ice sculpture parks, ice sculpture parks, ice and snow spas, skating rinks and other venue construction to provide one-stop solutions, snowmaking equipment research and development and supply, project planning and design, refrigeration snowmaking system design, enclosure system design, engineering installation, operation management, technical services, etc., first-class snowmaking technology and patents, higher quality snow quality assurance, to provide excellent ice and snow experience for ice and snow lovers.
Technical advantages
With advanced snowmaking system technology and patents, the snow quality is comparable to natural snow
Provide one-stop solutions, planning and design, equipment supply, operation guidance, technical services
Dedicated refrigeration and snowmaking equipment, customized according to the project
Focus on indoor snowmaking, high-end quality, high-quality solutions, energy saving and environmental protection
Committed to scientific and technological innovation, energy saving and high efficiency, to ensure the provision of the best indoor ice and snow solutions, the best snow quality, to serve every customer, so that more ice and snow lovers and families, enjoy the fun of ice and snow sports, to create a new business card of indoor ice and snow equipment.